Поиск данных в окне Tracer
\-- ищет адрес по адресу referencedAddress == 0x0165F8BC \-- ссылка на байты. Почему-то не работает. Ниже будет другой путь referencedBytes == dwordToByteTable(98) \-- сравнение по инструкции. В конце инструкции нужно ставить пробел instruction == "ret " \-- так будет искать все вхождения "mov" instruction:match("mov")
Ну и более интересная версия перебора и одновременного выделения записей.
Здесь нужно открыть окно "Трейсера" и рядом в Lua окне писать свои условия в функции "Compare()", "PrintData()", Selected()
-- Поиск окна Трейслога function GetTTreeViewTracelogs() local max = getFormCount() for i=0, max-1 do if(getForm(i).ClassName == 'TfrmTracer') then return getForm(i) end end return nil end function FindTraceLogData() -- Нашли окно Трейслога tracerForm = GetTTreeViewTracelogs() -- Перебираем все записи for index=0, tracerForm.Count do -- Если запись пуста, то пропускаем if tracerForm.Entry[index] ~= nil then local entry = tracerForm.Entry[index] if Compare(entry) then Selected(entry, index) PrintData(entry,index ) end end end end \-- Можно свое условие addressEAX = 0x001FB780 function Compare(entry) return addressEAX == entry.context.EAX end function PrintData(entry) --print(tracerForm.Entry[index].instruction) print(disassemble(entry.context.RIP)) end function Selected(entry, index) tracerForm.lvTracer.Items[index].Selected = true end FindTraceLogData()
Из документации по окну Tracer
TfrmTracer class (Inheritance: Form->ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) properties Count: integer - number of entries in the list selectionCount: integer - The number of selected entries Entry[index]: table - Information about each entry. Read only. (Index starts at 0) table is formatted as: { address: integer - address of the instruction instruction: string - disassembled instruction instructionSize: integer - bytesize of the instruction referencedAddress: integer - address the code references referencedData: bytearray - The bytes of the referenced data at the time of tracing context: contexttable - the state of the cpu when this instruction got executed (contains registers(EAX/RAX, ...), floating points(FP) and XMM values hasStackSnapshot: boolean - set to true if there is a stack entry selected: boolean - Set to true if the entry is selected } StackEntry[index]: bytearray - The stacksnapshot of that entry. Nil if not available methods \--------------------------------------------------- Treeview Class : (Inheritance: CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) createTreeView(owner) properties Items: TreeNodes - The Treenodes object of the treeview (ReadOnly) Selected: TreeNode - The currently selected treenode methods beginUpdate() endUpdate() getItems() getSelected() setSelected() fullCollapse() : Collapses all the nodes, including the children's nodes fullExpand() : Expands all the nodes and all their children saveToFile(filename): Saves the contents of the treeview to disk \--------------- TreeNodes class : (Inheritance: TObject) properties Count : Integer - The total number of Treenodes this object has Item[]: TreeNode - Array to access each node [] = Item[] methods clear() getCount() getItem(integer) : Return the TreeNode object at the given index (based on the TreeView's Treenodes) add(text:string): Returns a new root Treenode object insert(treenode, string): Returns a new treenode object that has been inserted before the given treenode insertBehind(treenode, string): Returns a new treenode object that has been inserted after the given treenode \--------------- TreeNode class : (Inheritance: TObject) properties Text: string - The text of the treenode Parent: Treenode - The treenode this object is a child of. (can be nil) (ReadOnly) Level: Integer - The level this node is at HasChildren: boolean - Set to true if it has children, or you wish it to have an expand sign Expanded: boolean - Set to true if it has been expanded Count : Integer - The number of children this node has Items[]: Treenode - Array to access the child nodes of this node [] = Items[] Index: Integer - The index based on the parent AbsoluteIndex: Integer - The index based on the TreeView's Treenodes object (Items) Selected: Boolean - Set to true if currently selected MultiSelected: Boolean - Set to true if selected as well, but not the main selected object Data: Pointer - Space to store 4 or 8 bytes depending on which version of CE is used methods delete() deleteChildren() makeVisible() expand(recursive:boolean=TRUE OPTIONAL) : Expands the given node collapse(recursive:boolean=TRUE OPTIONAL) : collapses the given node getNextSibling(): Returns the treenode object that's behind this treenode on the same level add(text:string): Returns a Treenode object that is a child of the treenode used to create it ------------------------------------------ wordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a word to a bytetable dwordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a dword to a bytetable qwordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a qword to a bytetable floatToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a float to a bytetable doubleToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a double to a bytetable extendedToByteTable(number): {} - Converts an extended to a bytetable stringToByteTable(string): {} - Converts a string to a bytetable wideStringToByteTable(string): {} - Converts a string to a widestring and converts that to a bytetable byteTableToWord(table, OPTIONAL signed:boolean): number - Converts a bytetable to a word byteTableToDword(table, OPTIONAL signed:boolean): number - Converts a bytetable to a dword byteTableToQword(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a qword byteTableToFloat(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a float byteTableToDouble(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a double byteTableToExtended(table): number - Converts a bytetable to an extended and converts that to a double byteTableToString(table): string - Converts a bytetable to a string byteTableToWideString(table): string - Converts a bytetable to a widestring and converts that to a string bOr(int1, int2) : Binary Or bXor(int1, int2) : Binary Xor bAnd(int1, int2) : Binary And bShl(int, int2) : Binary shift left bShr(int, int2) : Binary shift right bNot(int) : Binary not
Для вывода referencedBytes из трейслога можно использовать byteTableToDword(referencedBytes) (смотрим документации выше) получая из TfrmTracer.Entry[index].referencedBytes или в строке поиска у Трейслога вбить
byteTableToDword(referencedBytes) > 0 and print(string.format("0x%08X - 0x%08X", RIP, byteTableToDword(referencedBytes))) == 1